30 April 2013

Ring Around The Rosie

Yeah, I know it's a line from a kid's rhyme about the black plague, but it sounds so cute if you don't think about it I figured it would work for these rings.

So, these are my 2nd in what will be a long series of Piece-a-Day projects. Not the most involved or creative, but they're colorful and fun. And they serve the purpose of aging to my inventory. Hey, what can I say, my biggest accomplishment for the day was fixing dinner for hubby - sigh.

Anyways, they are rose beads bought at a local craft shop. I should probably measure them, but the lighter blue is just over an inch across I'd guess and the medium blue is the smallest at about 1/4 inch. They're wrapped with 20 gauge half-hard copper wire.

Where will you find them? In the Copper and Clay Designs inventory at various festivals around the South Carolina Low Country. Or email me and I'll make one in your size.

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